Where to pick up girls in New York City

Hot girls in new york city

If you live in New York City then you will know that it is thriving with girls, a lot of them in fact, most of them being very beautiful. How do you find them though? Well, there are a number of places and bars that you can head to. On this page I want to cover just ten of them (don’t worry as a part 2 will follow pretty soon!). Let’s take a little look, shall we?

Central Park I have to start with this. It is free to get in and there will be a lot of beautiful girls just milling about. If you are in NYC when it is hot then you absolutely need to head to Central Park. There will be so many girls there that it is unreal!

Kinfolk Studios I must admit, this is a location that is mainly for those looking for a bit of a ‘one night stand’. Being in Williamsburg then women that are on offer here are a touch more unique than others in NYC. This does not mean anything bad. Oh no, there are some lovely lasses here just waiting for you to chat to them.

Home Sweet Home I absolutely love this place. I am going to admit something here. The girls that frequent Home Sweet Home in Lower East Side tend to be on the nerdy side of things. This is nothing bad by the way. It just means that you are going to need to turn on that intelligence if you want to hook up with one of them!

Beauty Bar This place, located in East Village, is the perfect place to head if you want something a bit ‘retro’. 80s classics are the norm here. The great thing is, this is exactly the type of music that is going to get those women feeling a bit looser. This means they are going to be up for a fun time. Luckily for them, it is going to be you that will be giving them that fun time!

Lit Lounge This is also in East Village. The pick of the ladies tends to be after midnight here. So get here late. The drinks are cheap. That is always a plus!

Le Bain This is a ‘hot’ location in the Meatpacking District. By hot, I mean that it is boiling inside. The girls will want to leave pretty sharpish after getting in here. Fingers crossed that they will be leaving with you, eh?

Westway This place, as you may guess from the name, is located in West Village. It is a bit of a crazy location with many girls just clambering to get up on that pole and showcase their moves. You are going to need to have a bit of confidence to hit on these ladies. They are beautiful. I am sure you can manage it though.

Union Pool This is located in Williamsburg. It has an incredibly friendly atmosphere. This is going to make chatting to those lovely ladies that much easier.

Southside This is in Little Italy and is the location where people head to show off their dance moves. It is a small basement bar so don’t be heading here for long. You are going to need to be looking pretty smart to get inside though. The door policy is absolutely strict!

Hotel Chantelle This is in Lower East Side and to me, it boasts one of the best dance parties in the city. If you love a good boogie and are willing to show off to the ladies then I am sure you will find plenty that are ‘well up for it’ here.

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