How to start conversation with girls

For many men, starting a conversation with a female can be a rather daunting experience. Even if you have done it before approaching a new one is enough to cause shivers down your spine. It doesn’t need to be though. Females are just like men and thus starting a conversation with a female will follow exactly the same principles. In this article I am going to discuss some of the best techniques that you can use to start conversations with girls today.

Firstly, you need to gather up the courage to do it. Without courage you will just falter at the very first hurdle. You need to remember that this person isn’t going to judge you. In fact it is highly likely that they are just as worried about you judging them. If the conversation doesn’t go smoothly then that is fine. There are plenty of other women out there that are worth your attention and you can move onto then.

Now that is out of the way, let’s discuss the first approach to a woman. What many men fail to realize is that females don’t really like to be ‘hit on’. Sure, it can be flattering for a bit but when it happens time and time again it can be rather tedious. She will absolutely love you if you walk up to her and start just a normal conversation. Introduce yourself, it is highly likely that she is going to say hello back. If she doesn’t then just move on, do not read too much into it as it will shoot your confidence.

You don’t even need to walk up to her and shake her hand and introduce yourself straight away. Imagine you are in a packed bar or coffee shop. The only seat is near her. Why not pluck up the courage and ask if you can sit there? The worst she can say is no, but if she says yes then you are in the perfect position to begin having a chat about things. Of course, if you want to keep that conversation flowing then you should completely avoid anything that could be seen as ‘hitting on’ her. Sure, you can complement her eyes every now and then but certainly do not go overboard.

The real challenge for many men isn’t the initial approach to a woman. Instead it is keeping the conversation flowing. The trick is to stick true to your personality. Girls absolutely love a bit of personality and I am sure there is something in yours that will latch onto her. One of the biggest mistakes men make is trying to be somebody that they really aren’t. Make this mistake and there is no chance you will ever be talking to this girl again.

At the start it should be you that is leading the questioning and conversation after all you approached her. Hopefully as it gets a bit more ‘in depth’ she will open up and you will get to find out a bit more about her personality. Remember, you should always use ‘open’ questions rather than a question which can be answered with a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’. If you don’t do that then there is no chance you will get that conversation flowing.

Hopefully these tips are going to be useful for you. Follow these and you will be a pro at starting conversations with girls before you know it!


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