Top 10 romantic things to say to your girlfriend

I Love your Smile

This sort of ties in with the beautiful comment, although here you are focusing on something specific. You can change the word ‘smile’ to anything you want. Basically pick out lovely features about your woman, this will show that you are noticing the smaller things.

“Last night I looked up into the stars and matched each one with a reason why I love you. I was doing great until I ran out of stars.”

You may think that we are heading into the cheese right here, but we really aren’t. I am sure most girls have heard this line before, whether they have it said to them, or perhaps heard it in a movie. However, it still remains pretty effective, and you will be thought of as cute.

I can’t stop thinking about you

Perfect if used in combination with the ‘I Miss You’ line if she has gone away, although the beauty of this is that it can be used in any situation. Just say these lines and it will show much you appreciate her.

Meeting you is the Best Thing that Ever Happened to Me

Oh boy, this is sure to melt her heart. Again, only say it if you mean it. If your girlfriend brings endless pleasure to your life (and why wouldn’t she!) repeat these words to her, let her know how you feel.

You Look Amazing

Has your girlfriend dressed up for the evening? Or has just put in a bit more effort than normal? In either of those situations, these words would NOT go amiss. Let her know you love how she looks.

Holding you Feels so Right

This particular line absolutely screams the fact that being with her is absolutely perfect, that she is really the one. Throw this into conversation when you are just holding her.

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